Karen loves receiving emails from fans. If you'd like to email her:karendales@karendales.comwww.karendales.com
Well, it's at the publishers now and all I can do is sit and wait. If I had long fingernails I would probably bite them to the nub. I've been told that it'll take about a little over a month for the final editors to go through it and then do what they have to do to produce a galley. Then it's back to me. I do the final look over/edit and then it'll be published! If all goes well, Angel of Death: Book One of the Chosen will be available come the beginning of May!
Check out my website: www.thechosenchronicles.com
I find it strange, or maybe I shouldn't, about how the Universe takes people out of my life, only to return them later on.
This has happened a lot lately. One of the biggest is reconnecting with my best friend from grade school and junior high school. It had been almost 25 years since I had last seen him and when we talked on the phone it took me back to how we used to be. This was more profound when he came over for lunch to meet the hubby and my son. I still recognized him as my best friend from that time in my life, yet I could see how life had changed him too. A quarter of a century will do that to anyone. I'm sure he felt the same way with me. Now we're rekindling our friendship that life's paths have diverged in our early teens. We have so much to catch up on. So much to relearn. It's exciting and amazing.
When I heard the term BFF (Best Friends Forever) I never believed it could be true (besides that of my hubby). Maybe it is.
Then, just today, I reconnected with another good friend where life had separated us for a period of time. It'll be interesting to see where that leads.
I have finished the editing of my novel.I can't believe it is done.All I need to do is just send it off to the publishers on Monday and then it's out of my hands until they send it back with whatever corrections they want me to make or sign off on. Then it goes to the printers and I'll have two weeks to go through the galley when I receive it.I'm getting closer and closer to finally seeing it in print and available for purchase. A part of me is thrilled and excited, while another is terrified. My baby that I have worked long and hard on is about to be set out into the world for all to read. I wonder what will happen when I reach the top of this roller coaster? LOL
I'm so thrilled!
The back cover and spine to my novel are all done and it looks amazing! I wish I could post the back cover up here, but I don't have the files! :( That's okay.
It took a while to see what was going to be written, but it looks really good and what's better is that it's a catchy read.:)
Now all I have to do is finish the final edit of the manuscript and then everything is all good to go to the printers! I'm really excited, yet, there is the nagging fear of finally letting my novel, something I worked so long and hard on, get into the public eye. I guess it can be akin to letting you kid finally move out or the like. I don't know...my son is just starting school. But, all in all, it looks like the novel may be ready for release earlier than anticipated.
After the printers get there will be one last thing for me to do...go over the galley and do any last minute edits/changes before signing off on it! Then I pat the baby on the bottom and send it out the door.:)
I would have posted this earlier, but a nasty lung infection was a birthday present from my son. I spent most of the week hacking my lungs out and sleeping (when I wasn't at work...yep...I still had to go to work).
I plan on posting more as time goes on.:)
The back cover to my novel is almost complete and if I like it then I sigh off on it.:)
Now, one big task is before me before my novel goes to print - I have to go through it and do any last changes and edits.
I can't believe I'm almost done and I'll be holding my novel in my hands in a matter of months! I'm already getting so many folks interested in reading it! Thank you all!
I've also been kicking around the idea of doing a book plate for it. I know many folks love having their editions autographed and in this day and age, with ordering off the internet, it's hard to get this done, but I may have a way to do this. Keep posted and I'll let you know once the details are all worked out.
Until then, I'm trying to find as much time as I can to do this edit, sign off on the covers and then it's out of my hands until the galleys come to me.
Karen Dales
"Angel of Death: Book One of the Chosen"
Release - Summer 2009
It has finally occurred to me. I am pushing myself way too much and too hard.
I realized this while at work today. I walked to work as I usually do, and then proceeded to yawn, nod, and nearly fall asleep.
You know when you're so tired you actually feel sick. That's me right now. So you're probably wondering what I'm doing on here. Very simply put...I'm waiting to get my son to sleep and then I'm off.
But a big part of me wants to do more work for my marketing and promotions of my novel. The cover designs are going to be done soon so that keeps me excited. I have to do one last edit before the galley and then do the galley edit. Just thinking about doing all these things makes me want to stay awake. But I know one thing...if I don't hit the hay soon, my husband is going to knock me unconscious so I can stop looking so dreadful. LOL
'Night All!